Table ofContentsloveelectric and Hypervolt to save EVdrivers more than the phased-outOZEV £350 EV Charger Grant | PressRelease03A strong European team empowersusers for widespread electricmobility uptake04Iberdrola and bp sign a strategicalliance to accelerate the deploymentof electric mobility07bp and Chubu Electric sign MoU toevaluate decarbonisationopportunities in Japan and Asia region08Sumitomo Electric and US ConecAnnounce a Partnership to produce anddeploy MMC Very Small Form Factormulti-fiber connector solutions10Louisville Gas and Electric Companyand Kentucky Utilities Company partnerwith Enel X Way to increase publicelectric vehicle charging access inKentucky11Li-Bridge outlines steps for U.S. todouble annual lithium batteryrevenues to $33 billion and provide100,000 jobs by 203001ITOCHU Announces Collaboration inProvision of Solutions for ISUZUCommercial-Use battery electricvehicle02INSIGHT OUTGlobalFoundries and GM AnnounceLong-Term Direct Supply Agreementfor U.S. Production of SemiconductorChips13 Table ofContentsloveelectric and Hypervolt to save EVdrivers more than the phased-outOZEV £350 EV Charger Grant | PressRelease03A strong European team empowersusers for widespread electricmobility uptake04Iberdrola and bp sign a strategicalliance to accelerate the deploymentof electric mobility07bp and Chubu Electric sign MoU toevaluate decarbonisationopportunities in Japan and Asia region08Sumitomo Electric and US ConecAnnounce a Partnership to produce anddeploy MMC Very Small Form Factormulti-fiber connector solutions10Louisville Gas and Electric Companyand Kentucky Utilities Company partnerwith Enel X Way to increase publicelectric vehicle charging access inKentucky11Li-Bridge outlines steps for U.S. todouble annual lithium batteryrevenues to $33 billion and provide100,000 jobs by 203001ITOCHU Announces Collaboration inProvision of Solutions for ISUZUCommercial-Use battery electricvehicle02INSIGHT OUTGlobalFoundries and GM AnnounceLong-Term Direct Supply Agreementfor U.S. Production of SemiconductorChips13
New ABB E-mobility home chargingsolution helps drivers realize theirsustainable mobility goals24Gartner Says 2023 Is the Moment ofTruth for Battery-Electric Vehicles31PRODUCT COMMUNIQUEBow Seat 2023 Ocean AwarenessContest35NERC Impact Awards 202336Mrs. Eileen Yap, General Manager(Singapore) of RS Group39FEATURE STORYGREAT OPPORTUNITYHolcim Awards 20233722 MINUTESEVENT CALENDARMr. Zen Koh, Co-Founder & GlobalCEO of Fourier Intelligence 41TECHNOLOGY & PRODUCTSFleet start for Schaeffler’s chainlessdrive for e-cargo bikes15Panasonic Develops OrganicPhotoconductive Film (OPF) CMOSImage Sensor Technology ThatAchieves Excellent ColorReproducibility under Any Light SourceIrradiation18I-FEVS (Interactive Fully ElectricalVehicles) 20The Future of EV Batteries22D-Wave Launches New Hybrid SolverPlug-In for Feature Selection, A KeyComponent of Machine Learning26World premiere: Schaeffler electrifiesmunicipal utility vehicles with in-wheelelectric drives27What’s next for batteries32Sumitomo Electric Launches EnergyManagement Solution (sEMSA™) ThatSupports Multiple Uses for Grid StorageBatteries2944
2023 will see many challenges ahead thatdemand both creativity and resilience fromall who are involved. Economic growth,climate change, technological advances –everything has an impact on our everydaylives.In the year 2023, we will face numerouschallenges that will demand both creativityand resilience from everyone involved. Witheconomic growth, climate change, andtechnological advancements impacting ourdaily lives, it's essential to developinnovative strategies to overcome theseobstacles. Our ability to adapt and thrive ina rapidly changing world has never beenmore crucial.One area where we are already seeingsignificant progress is in the automotiveindustry, particularly with regards toelectric vehicles (EVs) and their batteries.These technologies offer a glimpse intowhat the future of transportation might looklike. They use clean energy sources, likewind power or solar power, instead of fossilfuels.This means they are much cleaner thantraditional gasoline-powered vehicles,which contribute heavily to air pollution andglobal warming. Furthermore, EVs also offera quieter driving experience as they don'thave combustion engines that create noiseand vibration. As more people switch toEVs, we can expect to see improved air quality in urban areas and reduced noisepollution levels. As more people adopt electric carsand governments around the world introducepolicies to promote their adoption, it seems likelythat in the years ahead, sustainable economicgrowth will be possible.In this issue, we delve into the world of automotivemanufacturing featuring EV battery technology.The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) hasrevolutionized the car industry. Withadvancements in battery technology, longer drivingranges and faster charging times have become areality for consumers. Not only are EVs helping toreduce greenhouse gas emissions, but they arealso driving innovation in sustainable mobility.Automakers are investing heavily in research anddevelopment to create more efficient electricmotors and lightweight materials for their cars. Inaddition, companies like Tesla are buildingcharging networks across the globe to make iteasier for drivers to go green on-the-go.As we explore this exciting world of carmanufacturing with EV battery technology, we willtake a closer look at how green energy sourceshave made it easier to take advantage of ourenergy needs.We hope that you have enjoyed reading thismonth's issue as we are look forward to continuingour journey together over the coming months andinviting you along with us on this incredibleadventure. Your continued support andengagement have been invaluable to us, and wehope that you have found our content bothinformative and inspiring. We are excited tocontinue on this journey together over the comingmonths, and we invite you along with us on thisincredible adventure.In the upcoming issues, you can expect even morethought-provoking articles, insightful interviewswith industry experts, and inspiring stories fromaround the world. So make sure to stay tuned forwhat's coming next!Publisher'sNoteSending you good vibes and great fortunes,With Love,Team Industrial Guide Asia
A public-private alliance, convened by the U.S. Department of Energy and managed byArgonne National Laboratory, released an action plan to accelerate the creation of a robustdomestic manufacturing base and supply chain for lithium-based batteries.“As the Li-Bridgefacilitator betweenprivate industry and theFederal Consortium forAdvanced Batteries,Argonne believesadoption of the report’srecommended actionscan set the nation on apath for batterymanufacturing andsupply chain success.”— Argonne LaboratoryDirector Paul KearnsLI-BRIDGE OUTLINES STEPS FOR U.S. TO DOUBLE ANNUALLITHIUM BATTERY REVENUES TO $33 BILLION AND PROVIDE100,000 JOBS BY 2030Li-Bridge, a public-private alliancerepresenting the U.S. batteryecosystem, convened by the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE) andmanaged by Argonne NationalLaboratory, released today an actionplan to accelerate the creation of arobust domestic manufacturingbase and comprehensive supplychain for lithium-based batteries.The Li-Bridge report — “Building aRobust and Resilient U.S. LithiumBattery Supply Chain” — includes 26recommended actions to bolster thedomestic lithium battery industry.Underscoring the need to stabilizepolicy and spur investment, keyrecommendations in the reportinclude a buying consortium for rawenergy materials, a system of sharedpilot lines to speed thecommercialization of new batterytechnologies, significant additionalinvestment in battery industryworkforce training, and permittingreform.Key recommendations in the Li-Bridge report include a buying consortium for raw energy materials, asystem of shared pilot lines to speed the commercialization of new battery technologies, significantadditional investment in battery industry workforce training, and permitting reform.The report complements a series of recent governmentinitiatives designed to strengthen the country’s batteryand semiconductor industries including the InflationReduction Act (IRA), the Infrastructure Investment andJobs Act (known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law orBIL) and the CHIPS and Science Act, which togetherrepresent some of the most significant industrial policyinitiatives in U.S. history.“The Biden-Harris administration investments in batterymanufacturing and supply chain have set our countryon a path towards a transportation system thatprovides cleaner and more accessible mobility options,provides good-paying jobs for American workers, andsecures our national energy independence,” saidDeputy U.S. Energy Secretary David M. Turk. “Thepublic-private partnerships described in this report willbe crucial to realizing that safer, cleaner future that willbenefit generations of Americans to come.”Announced in October 2021 by DOE and Argonne, Li-Bridge is spearheaded by three industry trade groups— NAATBatt International, the New York Battery andEnergy Storage Technology (NY-BESTTM) Consortium,and New Energy Nexus — with active involvement fromDOE national labs and Boston Consulting Group.The first collaboration of itskind in the U.S. batteryindustry, Li-Bridge’s report isa result of collaboration ofmore than 40 companies,spanning market leaders andstartups across theautomotive, advancedbattery, mining and chemical,and electric utility sectors.Those organizationscollectively employ more than1.2 million people andgenerate approximately $900billion in annual revenues.“This report provides keyinsights and solutions towardthe goal of establishing aresilient domesticmanufacturing base andsupply chain for batteries,summarizing in-depthdiscussions between privateindustry, DOE’s national labs,and federal partners,” saidArgonne Laboratory DirectorPaul Kearns.I N S I G H T O U T01
“As the Li-Bridge facilitatorbetween private industry and theFederal Consortium for AdvancedBatteries, Argonne believesadoption of the report’srecommended actions can setthe nation on a path for batterymanufacturing and supply chainsuccess.”Fueled by exponential demand,lithium-based batteries and thedevices they power are majorcontributors to economic growthin the 21st century on par withsemiconductors. According to thereport, if the U.S. cannotestablish a secure and stablesupply chain for lithium batterytechnology within its borders,other countries will enjoy theeconomic growth and jobcreation that lithium batterytechnology will create. Today,about 76% of lithium battery cellsand the large majority of cellcomponents are made in China.Lithium-based batteries are alsocritical for achieving U.S. climateobjectives. The report states thatwithout reliable access to lithiumbattery technology, the U.S. hasno chance of meeting its 2050net-zero carbon emissions goalor ensuring an inclusive andsocially responsible industry.With U.S. defense applicationsincreasingly dependent onlithium-based batteries, thereport warns of the nationalsecurity risks in relying onbatteries and batterycomponents made abroad.According to the report, the U.S. willnot achieve complete lithium batterysupply chain independence by 2030,but it estimates the country cancapture 60% of the economic valueconsumed by domestic demand forlithium batteries by that year,generating $33 billion in revenuesand creating 100,000 jobs.“Although we are starting to seeactivity in the domestic batterymanufacturing sector thanks in largepart to the Bipartisan InfrastructureLaw and the IRA, U.S. industry is still10 to 20 years behind Asia, and aboutfive years behind Europe, incommercializing manufacturing ofthis critical technology,” said JamesGreenberger, executive director atNAATBatt International. “Theelectrochemical storage of electricitywill be as important a technology tothe economy of the 21st century asthe semiconductor chip has been.”“Battery technologies are essential toachieving a clean energy future,reducing our reliance on fossil fuels,and protecting our climate. Fromenabling renewable energy andproviding reliability and resilience forour electric grid to powering ourfuture electrified transportationsystems, batteries are at the centerof the clean energy transition,” saidDr. William Acker, Executive Directorof NY-BEST. “By moving forwardaggressively with therecommendations Li-Bridge isadvancing today, the U.S. will be wellpositioned to unlock the benefitsbatteries can provide to improve ourenvironment and our economy.”ITOCHU ANNOUNCESCOLLABORATION INPROVISION OFSOLUTIONS FORISUZU COMMERCIAL-USE BATTERYELECTRIC VEHICLEITOCHU Corporation(headquartered in Minato-ku,Tokyo; Keita Ishii, President &COO; hereinafter “ITOCHU”)announced today that it willcollaborate with Isuzu MotorsLimited (headquartered inYokohama, Kanagawa;Masanori Katayama, Presidentand Representative Director;hereinafter “Isuzu”) as a partnerto provide a range of solutionsin the EVision* service thatIsuzu will launch on March 7,2023.I N S I G H T O U T02
Together with ITOCHU, the followingITOCHU Group companies will participatein the collaboration as Isuzu’s partnercompanies in the provision of the Evision.In providing the charging solution,ITOCHU Plantec Inc. (headquartered inMinato-ku, Tokyo; Ichiro Shimizu,President) will collaborate in developing abroad range of services, including theinstallation of cubicles and relatedservices. Regarding chargingmanagement linked to facility power andthe introduction of renewable energypower, i GRID SOLUTIONS, Inc.(headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo;Tomokazu Akita, President), VPP JapanInc. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo;Tomokazu Akita, President), and ITOCHUEnex Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; Kenji Okada, President & CEO)will collaborate with Isuzu to makeflexible proposals according to customerdemand.Moreover, efforts will be made goingforward to use the batteriesincorporated in the ELF EV and toestablish a battery ecosystem byleveraging ITOCHU’s knowledge of theenergy storage device business. Withdemand for electrification growing inthe logistics sector towards therealization of a carbon neutral society,Isuzu’s EVision will not only solve arange of issues arising in relation tothe introduction of commercial-useBEV, it will also facilitate theintroduction itself for safety andassurance. ITOCHU included thecontribution to SDGs andstrengthening of SDG initiatives in theBasic Policies in its medium-termmanagement plan. Therefore,through these initiatives, it willcontribute to the realization ofdecarbonization in a range of areas,including the mobility area. Development of acharging simulation serviceto secure operation whilesimultaneously optimizingelectricity prices Investment incommercial-use EV rentalcompanies Introduction of EV anddemonstration of officedecarbonization Demonstration ofdeliveries using battery-swapping mini electric trucks Provision of a service thatremotely diagnoses thestatus of automotive lithium-ion battery degradationThe EVision service refers to a totalsolution program that Isuzu developed insync with the market launch of the ELFEV, Isuzu’s first mass-produced batteryelectric vehicle (BEV), with a view towardrealizing carbon neutrality through theprovision of support when customersconsider introducing commercial-useBEV, the provision of solutions to issuesassociated with the introduction thereof,quantification of carbon dioxide emissionreduction effects, and proposals forfurther decarbonization.ITOCHU has been pursuing the followinginitiatives to provide solutions to a rangeof issues associated with the marketlaunch of electric vehicles (EV).Also, by engaging in a broad range of electric power-associated businesses(electricity retail business, renewable energy generation business, energymanagement business, etc.), which are indispensable for the introduction of EV,ITOCHU has been taking steps to build solutions for decarbonization. By leveragingthe knowledge that it has accumulated, ITOCHU will collaborate with Isuzu and helpcustomers with the introduction of ELF EV at each process of the EVision.Moreover, it will roll out the EVision Preism Contract lease service through IsuzuLeasing Services Limited (headquartered in Yokohama, Kanagawa; KeiichiroMaegaki, President & CEO), a joint venture of Isuzu Motors Sales Ltd.(headquartered in Yokohama, Kanagawa; Yoshio Hiruma, President & CEO) andITOCHU. The Evision Preism Contract is a lease service package comprising a fullycoordinated charging solution that includes charger selection, installerarrangement, installation and subsidy application, among other services, and an EVindustry’s advanced lease contract that features the reflection of expected powerbattery degradation in the lease period according to the customer’s operation plan.LOVEELECTRIC AND HYPERVOLT TOSAVE EV DRIVERS MORE THAN THEPHASED-OUT OZEV £350 EVCHARGER GRANT | PRESS RELEASEEV salary sacrifice company Love Electric, and Hypervolt,Britain’s preeminent EV charging brand, have todayannounced their new partnership. The collaboration willsave new EV drivers more on a new home charger thanthe UK Government’s phased-out OZEV £350 grant thatcame to an end in March 2022. I N S I G H T O U T0103
The collaboration will save newEV drivers more on a newhome charger than the UKGovernment’s phased-outOZEV £350 grant that came toan end in March 2022. Hypervolt’s smart and beautifully-designed charger is now available forloveelectric customers to roll into their EVorder – saving the average customer over£500. The collaboration will ensure thatgetting a new electric car and charger issimple, accessible and affordable fordrivers across the UK. This new partnership is one of the first ofits kind, as drivers can now get both anew electric vehicle and smart chargerthrough salary sacrifice. In exchange for asmall portion of their gross monthlysalary, drivers get a brand-new electric carand charger – leading to savings onNational Insurance contributions andIncome Tax.For Hypervolt and loveelectric’ customers,this means that they can save up to 60%on the cost of a new electric vehicle andsave over 50% on a fully installed homecharger. Customers are promisedoutstanding service, too, with bothcompanies rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot.“Salary sacrifice is a game changerfor the electric revolution, andfinding a charging partner who canalso access those savings has been apriority for us for some time,” Tigarconcluded. “We’re so excited to workwith Hypervolt to help employeesacross the UK make their salaries goas far as possible – and buildtogether towards a green future.”Steve Tigar, CEO of loveelectric, said, “Ourpartnership with Hypervolt is a gamechanger for our customers and the EVmarket. We created loveelectric to ensureelectric cars are accessible and affordable forpeople across the UK. With Hypervolt, we’vesupercharged this offering by ensuring ourdrivers can access state-of-the-art, affordablechargers, too. The loss of the OZEV £350grant towards home chargers was felt acrossthe market and has held the UK’s transitionto green transport back.""Alongside Hypervolt, we’re soexcited to offer our customersthis huge saving that willensure that more people canafford to make the jump toelectric.” - Steve Tigar,loveelectricThe charger comes with access toHypervolt’s app, allowing users toschedule their EV charging sessions toaccess cheaper off-peak energy tariffs,integrate with solar and other smarthome features, and track their energyusage and expenditure.David Woodford, Head of Partnerships atHypervolt, said, “March 2023 is a bigmonth for us as we celebrate the secondanniversary since launch. However,having this occasion coincide with theannouncement of our partnership withloveelectric makes this milestone evenmore special.”“We're obsessive about the customerexperience, and what we've built withloveelectric brings absolute simplicity andclarity to the EV buying journey, fromend-to-end,” Woodford continued.“Disruptors like to work withdisruptors, and we are bothextremely excited and highlymotivated for our twoburgeoning brands to roll outthis one-stop-shop for EVs.” -David Woodford, HypervoltA STRONG EUROPEAN TEAMEMPOWERS USERS FOR WIDESPREADELECTRIC MOBILITY UPTAKEToday, a large consortium formed by 30 Europeanentities gathers in Barcelona to kick-start the FLOWproject, aimed at promoting a concept of electric mobilitysuited for the final user, while providing benefits to theenergy system across Europe.I N S I G H T O U T0104
“The FLOW project represents a unique opportunity tobetter understand the potential of energy flexibilitywhen we achieve a massive penetration of electricvehicles”. She highlights that “This will be possiblethanks to the joined forces from key players fromboth the electrical and the mobility sectors”.-Cristina Corchero, head of the ESA group at IREC andcoordinator of the consortiumThe initiative will test, validate and enhance the so-called Vehicle-to-X,where energy will be exchanged among vehicles, buildings and the grid.While the EU Parliament voted to ban new sales of fossil fueled cars by2035, FLOW will give a solid basis to enhance the upcoming masspenetration of electric vehicle transportation.According to the International Energy Agency, power demand forelectric vehicles is predicted to account for up to 6.5% of European finalelectricity consumption by 2030, with almost 60 billion € per year inelectricity sales. However, the implementation of electric mobility inurban and rural sectors faces several challenges, such as theaccessibility to suitable charging infrastructure, or how current usersare still used to combustion vehicles. The project will focus on solvingthe main obstacles faced by drivers during the charging and utilisationof electric vehicles and will provide solutions and alternatives for thosechallenges.The solutions developed within FLOW will provideanswers for the upcoming mass deployment ofelectric vehicles to all actors involved, ranging frompower distribution system operators, charging pointoperators, mobility service providers, infrastructuremanufacturers to final users. The main aim is tovalidate and quantify the benefits associated withelectric vehicle charging flexibility, alleviating gridproblems, in order to achieve energydecarbonisation while transitioning to a sustainablemobility model.A total of five demonstration sites will beimplemented to determine the impact on differentenergy systems in Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy,Denmark and Spain.The project is led by the Catalonia Institute for EnergyResearch (IREC) and is formed by a multidisciplinaryteam, involving academic partners, small, mediumand large enterprises from the energy and mobilitysector and large European industry associations.Electric vehicles will be game changers when the fullcapabilities to exchange electricity with the grid aredeployed. Testing energy flows and driving patternsof real users on real grids is key to reach this goaland the outcomes of this pioneering project will feedpolicies and draw best practices. FLOW has theultimate goal to scale up electric mobility as the keydriver of European transport.I N S I G H T O U T05
“We have huge respect for Iberdrola, who have been anearly leader in the energy transition and believe that thispartnership will bring significant benefits to our customersand our stakeholders." The companies are also looking at options to jointly serveEV customers in the UK. The joint venture will leverage the strengths and expertiseof both parties to develop comprehensive mobility servicesto meet the needs of electric vehicle users. Iberdrola leads the public charging infrastructure in Spainand Portugal with more than 3,500 operational points andas many in development, which have renewable energy toachieve the decarbonization of transport, serving more than100,000 users. In addition, it offers solutions for electricvehicle users: residential, business and public charging,including solutions for urban and heavy transport(electrification of buses and trucks). bp aims to rapidly expand its EV charge points globally andcontinues to invest in rapid and ultra-fast charging.Customers already have access to its European network ofover 10,000 charge points, mainly in UK and Germany. bp expects to use some of its extensive and convenientlylocated network of 1,300 retail sites in Spain and Portugalas locations for charging hubs for the joint venture. I N S I G H T O U TIBERDROLA AND BP SIGN ASTRATEGIC ALLIANCE TOACCELERATE THEDEPLOYMENT OF ELECTRICMOBILITYIberdrola and bp have signed a strategiccollaboration agreement aiming to helpaccelerate the decarbonisation of transport. The companies announced their intention to form a JointVenture (JV) in July 2021, intending to invest up to €1 billion toroll-out a network of up to 11,000 rapid and ultra-fast EV publiccharge points across Spain and Portugal. The signing of thestrategic collaboration agreement brings the companies onestep closer to the formation of the JV which is subject to thenecessary regulatory and competition approvals and expectedto close in the second half of 2023.Once approved, the JV will allow Iberdrola and bp to significantlyexpand fast EV public charging infrastructure to support theadoption of electric vehicles in Spain and Portugal. The companies plan to install and operate an initial 5,000 fastcharge points by 2025, and up to a total of 11,000 by 2030,including bp and Iberdrola’s existing and future fast charginghubs. The Chairman of Iberdrola, Ignacio Galán, said, "This strategicalliance allows progress in the electrification of transport.Iberdrola and bp contribute with this agreement to acceleratethe deployment of the electric vehicle and generate industrialdevelopment in Spain.""Partnerships like this can help peopleand businesses decarbonise sooner. Bycombining our resources and knowledge,we can deliver lower carbon mobilitysolutions for our customers faster and atscale."-Bernard Looney, chief executive officer,bp07
Bp and Chubu Electric on 2nd February signed a memorandumof understanding (MoU) to explore opportunities fordecarbonisation in Japan and the wider Asia region.BP AND CHUBU ELECTRIC SIGN MOU TOEVALUATE DECARBONISATIONOPPORTUNITIES IN JAPAN AND ASIA REGIONThis MoU includes exploring the feasibility ofcollecting, aggregating, utilizing and transportingCO2 from major emitters in the Nagoya area toCO2 storage sites, potentially internationally,through Nagoya CCUS hub. This potentialinfrastructure could support decarbonization ofa range of carbon intensive industrialbusinesses in the Nagoya area.Nagoya is Japan’s biggest port in terms of cargovolume. It connects the steel, automotive,aircraft, machine, and manufacturing sectors toglobal markets. Industries around the portaccount for 3% of Japan’s total emissions;however, the port has an ambition to reduce itsemissions by 35% by 2030 compared to 2013.William Lin, bp’s executive vice president forregions, corporates and solutions, said: “ThisMoU builds on the long relationship betweenChubu Electric and bp, bringing ourcomplementary skills together to developpotential solutions for decarbonization inJapan and Asia more widely. Pairing ourstrengths in low carbon solutions andChubu’s size and history in this industrialregion, we believe we have the opportunityto create real change and help some of thehardest to abate sectors transition.”The exploratory work will leveragebp’s development experience in large-scale CCS projects for industrialclusters, while Chubu’s deepknowledge and regional businessrelationships will facilitatedevelopment in the port andsurrounding areas.Beyond Nagoya, bp and Chubu willtogether explore opportunities toaccelerate availability ofdecarbonisation solutions with avariety of renewable energytechnologies in key markets in Asia.Hiroki Sato, Chubu’s SeniorManaging Executive Officer,Division CEO, Global BusinessDivision said: “This MoU is the keystep for bp and Chubu towardsthe net zero journey. We areconvinced that our businessactivities for the decarbonizationsolution will definitely contributeto the climate neutrality of ourplanet.”It also represents a furtherpotential opportunity alongsidethe large-scale CCS projects forindustrial clusters bp is pursuingglobally. bp is already in action atthe Texas Gulf Coast industrialcorridor and in Teesside, theindustrial heart of the UnitedKingdom.bp is focusing on working withcorporates in key industrialsectors that have significantcarbon emissions to manage, tohelp them to decarbonize. Itsambition is to be a net zerocompany by 2050 or sooner, andto help the world to get to netzero.Chubu Electric is one of thelargest energy companies inJapan. Chubu group has a historyof more than seven decadesacross the energy value chain,including power generation,power transmission/distributionand energy retail business.Chubu aims to reduce emissionsfrom its businesses to net zero by2050.I N S I G H T O U T08
US Conecʼs MMC connector combines a novel, reducedfootprint multi-fiber ferrule with a very small form factor(VSFF) connector footprint, which is 1/3 the size of theMPO format. This collaboration to deliver MMCsolutions supports active hyper-scale data center cablingprograms and ensures a robust supply chain foremerging and future optical link architectures. Initialdeployments include 24F single-mode, low-loss MMCconnectors.Next-generation link architectures employing 400G andbeyond demand higher-density fiber-optic cablingsolutions that cannot be met with existing MPOtechnology. The VSFF MMC connector format solvesthese density challenges and facilitates data centerdesign and deployment with low-loss opticalperformance, use of MT-ferrule alignment structure forbackward compatibility, simplified polarity and gendermanagement, and the support of future fiber-opticcabling technologies.“US Conec is a leader in the development of next generation VSFFmulti-fiber connectivity, and we are pleased to partner with them todeliver connectivity solutions using their MMC connector, which isindispensable for building next-generation data centers. We willleverage our precision molding technology to produce and sellsolutions utilizing MMC connectivity to help customers overcometheir challenges for saving space and reducing installation time,thereby contributing to the realization of an advanced informationsociety,” said Yoshiyuki Suetsugu, Deputy General Manager, Info-communications Business Unit of Sumitomo Electric.“We are excited to partner with Sumitomo Electric on next-generation high density connectivity solutions with the MMCconnector platform. Their long history as a premier MT ferrulemaker makes Sumitomo Electric an excellent second sourcepartner for TMT ferrules and MMC connector components.Combining Sumitomo Electric’s proven high-performancecomponent background with state-of-the-art cable technology willhelp to ensure a robust supply chain for emerging fiber opticnetworks built with groundbreaking MMC-based cablingsolutions,” said Joe Graham, President of US Conec.SUMITOMO ELECTRIC ANDUS CONEC ANNOUNCE APARTNERSHIP TO PRODUCEAND DEPLOY MMC VERYSMALL FORM FACTORMULTI-FIBER CONNECTORSOLUTIONSI N S I G H T O U TSumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. and USConec, Ltd. announced the execution of adefinitive license agreement enablingSumitomo Electric Lightwave, Corp. tomanufacture MMC connector and TMTferrule components for the deployment ofnext-generation, high-density, multi-fibercabling solutions. GLOBALFOUNDRIES AND GMANNOUNCE LONG-TERMDIRECT SUPPLY AGREEMENTFOR U.S. PRODUCTION OFSEMICONDUCTOR CHIPSGeneral Motors Co. and Global Foundriesannounced a strategic, long-term agreementestablishing a dedicated capacity corridorexclusively for GM's chip supply. Through this first-of-its-kind agreement, GF will manufacture forGM's key chip suppliers at GF's advancedsemiconductor facility in upstate New Yorkbringing a critical process to the U.S.10
"We're making New York State not only thesemiconductor capital of the country — butof the globe," said New York GovernorKathy Hochul. "This agreement will help tofurther establish New York State as a majorhub for semiconductor manufacturing. Withour nation-leading Green CHIPS legislationand the new Governor's Office ofSemiconductor Expansion, Management,and Integration, we are helping businesseslike GM and GlobalFoundries expand thechips manufacturing ecosystem in our state,creating jobs and opportunities forgenerations to come."GF is responding to the globaldemand for semiconductorsthrough a series of strategic long-term agreements with existing andnew customers and simultaneouslyexpanding global capacity to meetcustomer demand in partnershipwith federal and local governments.Supportive policies like thebipartisan CHIPS and Science Actare encouraging the onshoring ofsemiconductor production andreestablishing the U.S. as a globalleader of this critical technology. "The supply agreementwith GlobalFoundries willhelp establish a strong,resilient supply of criticaltechnology in the U.S. thatwill help GM meet thisdemand, while deliveringnew technology andfeatures to ourcustomers." -Doug Parks,GM executive VicePresident of GlobalProduct Development,Purchasing and SupplyChain."At GF we are committed to working with our customers in new and innovativeways to best address the challenges of today's global supply chains," said Dr.Thomas Caulfield, president and CEO of GF. "GF will expand its productioncapabilities exclusively for GM's supply chain, enabling us to strengthen ourpartnership with the automotive industry and New York State, while furtheraccelerating automotive innovation with U.S.-based manufacturing for a moreresilient supply chain.""This first of its kind agreement between GlobalFoundries and General Motors isgoing to drive the Capital Region economy forward and ensure Upstate New Yorkremains in the driver's seat as one of the nation's leading hubs for semiconductormanufacturing that is so critical to the supply chain of the auto industry. I have longsaid that Upstate New York's semiconductor corridor will be a major enginepowering America's technological future, and now 'Made in New York' chips willhelp jumpstart the next generation of vehicles for GM across the country," said U.S.Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer. "Thanks to my CHIPS and Science Act, weare bringing manufacturing back to our country and America's supply chains arebeing secured, creating good-paying jobs here in Upstate New York, not overseas.This partnership is yet another example that our nation's future will be built inUpstate New York, with the Capital Region as a global center for the future of themicrochip industry."I N S I G H T O U T01This agreement supports GM's strategy toreduce the number of unique chipsneeded to power increasingly complexand tech-laden vehicles. With thisstrategy, chips can be produced in highervolumes and are expected to offer betterquality and predictability, maximizinghigh value content creation for the endcustomer.Semiconductors are the foundation of thetechnologies that are powering theelectrification, autonomous driving andconnectivity of the auto industry, andthey have been center stage in the globalchip shortage that has impactedautomakers the last couple of years."We see our semiconductor requirementsmore than doubling over the next severalyears as vehicles become technologyplatforms," said Doug Parks, GMexecutive vice president of GlobalProduct Development, Purchasing andSupply Chain.11
Enel X Way North America, the EnelGroup's global e-mobility business,recently signed a contract withKentucky’s largest utilities, LouisvilleGas and Electric Company andKentucky Utilities Company.“As part of our business, we’reconstantly working to understand ourcustomers’ energy needs, how thoseare evolving and to develop programsand services to assist them. We knowour customers, like motorists acrossthe nation, are increasinglyinterested in driving electric andmany of them will do so within thisdecade. We’ve made it a priority to dowhat we can to expand the EVcharging network and to empowerthem with the information they needto confidently make the switch.”-LG&E and KU Vice President ofCustomer Services Eileen Saunders.LOUISVILLE GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY AND KENTUCKYUTILITIES COMPANY PARTNER WITH ENEL X WAY TO INCREASEPUBLIC ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING ACCESS IN KENTUCKYThe five-year agreement, awardedthrough the utilities’ competitive biddingprocess, will provide LG&E and KU withDC fast electric vehicle (EV) charginginfrastructure, software, and operationsand maintenance services. The partnership with Enel is the first stepin the utilities’ commitment to add fast EVcharging to as many as eight locationsacross their service territories to increaseaccessibility, reduce range anxiety andsupport the growing number of EVmotorists in and traveling throughKentucky. The first phase of the projectwill include four locations to bedetermined by LG&E and KU in 2023 andwill provide EV drivers with access toeight Enel X Way 350-kilowatt (kW) DCfast charging stations, capable ofsimultaneous charging.Kentucky was one of the first statesto get its National Electric VehicleInfrastructure (NEVI) funding contractapproved and is set to make a totalof $86.9 million available for EVcharging infrastructure over the nextfive years (with matching funds).According to the Lane Report,Kentucky has already attracted morethan $9 billion in investments fromEV battery makers and automotivesuppliers have received federalapproval to develop a nearly $70million EV charging network. “As the InfrastructureInvestment and Jobs Act aims todevelop a national network of500,000 EV chargers, Enel X Wayis supporting efforts to build outand optimize EV charginginfrastructure in states acrossthe country alongside ourtrusted partners,” says ChrisBaker, Head of Enel X Way NorthAmerica. “With federal NEVIfunding and LG&E and KU’sinvestment in EV infrastructure,Kentucky will be accelerating EVadoption and bringing rangeconfidence to new EV drivers.”This agreement expands upon along-standing partnership betweenEnel North America and LG&E andKU. The companies have workedtogether for a number of years to provide business customers withcustomized energy-reduction plansthrough the Commercial DemandConservation Program. The programprovides LG&E and KU’s commercial andindustrial customers with meteringdevices that allow them to track theirenergy usage through a personalized webapplication that is owned and operated byEnel. Through the web application,customers can monitor their energy loadson a day-to-day basis and curb their usageduring times of high demand to earnmonetary incentives. Around 30businesses throughout Kentucky,comprising over 23 megawatts (MWs),benefit from this program.I N S I G H T O U T13
Electric cargo and utility bikes are becoming anincreasingly common sight in big cities, wherethey are the ideal solution for speedy, climate-friendly transportation and distribution of food,mail, medicine and more. To help with this trend,Schaeffler has been partnering with two-wheelerelectric drive specialist Heinzmann GmbH & Co.KG to develop an innovative chainless drivesystem called Free Drive. Now, the first customerfleets using this drive hit the roads in urbantraffic. “We need to rethink mobility fortomorrow’s cities,” said Matthias Zink, CEOAutomotive Technologies at Schaeffler AG.“Electric cargo bikes fill an important gap here,particularly in last-mile goods delivery.” Schaefflersees this as a growth market. In 2021, the globalelectric cargo bike market was valued at USD 630million, nine percent up on the prior year, and isprojected to grow to USD 2.14 billion by 2032(source: Persistence Market Research).Schaeffler and Heinzmann first unveiled itsinnovative chainless drive system to the public inAugust 2021, and have been using the time sincethen to get it ready for fleet production. Followingsuccessful field testing during the last month,production is now getting underway, with plansto steadily increase capacity over the next fewyears. The first customer to put in an order forthe Free Drive, which boasts highly efficientpower transmission from pedal to wheel, is CIPMobility GmbH. CIP’s mocci Smart Pedal Vehiclesset new standards in efficient, low-maintenanceand sustainable commercial-sector mobility incities and industrial zones. Developed as aninnovative micromobility platform, the mocci“US Conec is a leader in the development of next generation VSFF multi-fiber connectivity, and we are pleased to partner with them to deliverconnectivity solutions using their MMC connector, which is indispensablefor building next-generation data centers. We will leverage our precisionmolding technology to produce and sell solutions utilizing MMCconnectivity to help customers overcome their challenges for saving spaceand reducing installation time, thereby contributing to the realization ofan advanced information society,” said Yoshiyuki Suetsugu, DeputyGeneral Manager, Info-communications Business Unit of SumitomoElectric.No chain, no wearFLEET START FORSCHAEFFLER’SCHAINLESS DRIVE FORE-CARGO BIKEST E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T SSchaeffler supplies first customerfleets with drive systems forelectric cargo bikesA drive especially developed forelectric cargo and utility bikes forinner-city goods transportationInnovative bike-by-wire conceptopens the way for new businessmodels in urban micromobilityElectric cargo bikes incorporating the Free Drive chainless drive system can be used todeliver for example food, mail, and medicines in city centers.The Free Drive is an optimallymatched system that consists ofa pedal generator, drive motor,customer-specific batterysolution, and human-machineinterface (HMI). It’s sold byHeinzmann to bicyclemanufacturers and fleetoperators. Core component ofthe system is its pedalgenerator developed bySchaeffler. It produces constantpedal resistance and provideselectricity for the motor in therear-wheel hub. It is designed insuch a way that pushing thepedals requires significantly lessmuscle power than withconventional e-bike drives – amajor benefit for cargo bikeriders, especially on longdelivery routes. Surpluselectrical energy is stored in thebike’s battery for later use. Inthis way, the Free Drive candeliver a total drive output of250 watt.One of the key benefits of thisserial hybrid drivefor bikes is that it has no chain, belt,gear rings, sprockets, or othermechanical drive components, so it ismuch less prone to mechanical wearthan conventional e-bikes. “With theFree Drive, replacing worn-out drivechains is a thing of the past,” said Dr.Jochen Schröder, Head of Schaeffler’sE-Mobility business division. Thisrobust design cuts down onmaintenance, which is a major plus foroperators of cargo bike fleets as theirassets will spend more time on theroad and less time in the repair shop.Meanwhile, riders will appreciate nothaving to worry about getting chainlubricant on their clothing.15
Mobility for urban areas: Combinedwith a special trailer, the mocciSmart Pedal Vehicle can be used ina wide range of transport andlogistics scenarios.The Smart Pedal Vehicles by mocci arean innovative and sustainable solutionfor companies seeking to make theirurban operations flexible, fast, and eco-friendly. Thanks to the Free Drivesystem, they also offer a completelynew riding experience that iscustomizable, safe, and fully connected.Another innovative feature is thatmocci’s structural components, e.gframes, wheels and forks frames, aremade of recyclable, high-performanceplastics rather than steel or aluminum. T E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T SWhile the architecture of conventional e-bike drives is largely dictated by the needfor a mechanical connection betweenthe pedals and the motor, the Free Drive– as its name suggests – allowsconsiderable freedom of design. “Thechainless drive system opens upcompletely new possibilities in bikearchitecture and pedal configuration –including designs with two, three or fourwheels, with or without a roof”, JochenSchröder explained. The digital bike-by-wire concept also means that gear shiftsand changes between operating modesare performed by software. To make thispossible, all components of the systemsold by Heinzmann communicate witheach other via a CAN connection.More freedom of design thanksto electric power transmissionmocci goes with Free DriveCompared to a classic spoke wheel thefront and rear wheels consist of asingle structural component, whichmakes them less vulnerable. The frameis made using a scalable injectionmolding process that emits about 68percent less CO2 than processes usedto produce conventional aluminumframes. “In 2023, we will supplyvehicles to a wide range of B2Bcustomers – which means we will havea decisive impact on the shape ofinner-city mobility,” said CIP co-founderDimitrios Bachadakis.16
PANASONIC DEVELOPS ORGANICPHOTOCONDUCTIVE FILM (OPF) CMOSIMAGE SENSOR TECHNOLOGY THATACHIEVES EXCELLENT COLORREPRODUCIBILITY UNDER ANY LIGHTSOURCE IRRADIATIONIn this technology, the OPF part thatperforms photoelectric conversion andthe circuit part that stores andreadouts the electric charge arecompletely independent. This uniquelayered structure dramatically reducesthe sensitivity of each pixel in green,red, and blue in wavelength regionsoutside the target range. As a result,color crosstalk is reduced, excellentspectral characteristics are obtained,and accurate color reproduction ismade possible regardless of the typeof light source.Our OPF CMOS image sensorhas a unique structure inwhich the photoelectricconversion part that convertslight into an electric signal isan organic thin film, and thefunction of storing andreading out the signal chargeis performed in the circuitpart, which are completelyindependent from each other(Figure 1).As a result, unlike withconventional silicon imagesensors, it is possible toprovide photoelectricconversion characteristics thatdo not depend on the physicalproperties of silicon. The OPFwith its high light absorptionrate enables the thinning ofthe photoelectric conversionpart ((1) Photoelectricconversion film thinningtechnology). By providing a discharge electrode at the pixelboundaries, the signal charge due to the incidentlight at the pixel boundaries is discharged, and thesignal charge from adjacent pixels is suppressed((2) Electrical pixel isolation technology). Inaddition, since the under part of the OPF iscovered with the pixel electrode for collecting thesignal charge generated in the OPF and theelectrode for discharging the charge, incident lightthat cannot be absorbed by the OPF does notreach the circuit side. This suppresses thetransmission ((3) Light transmission suppressionstructure). With the above three technologies, it ispossible to suppress light and signal charges thatenter from adjacent pixels. As a result, colorcrosstalk can be reduced to an almost ideal shape,as shown in the spectral characteristics shown inFigure 2, and accurate color reproduction isachieved regardless of the color of the lightsource (Figure 3).This technology enables accurate colorreproduction and inspection even inenvironments where it is difficult for conventionalimage sensors to reproduce the original colors,such as plant factories that use magenta light. It isalso possible to accurately reproduce the colors ofsubstances with subtle color changes, such asliving organisms. It can also be applied tomanaging skin conditions, monitoring healthconditions, and inspecting fruits and vegetables.Furthermore, in combination with the highsaturation characteristics and global shutterfunction of our OPF CMOS image sensor*, it cancontribute to highly robust imaging systems thatare highly tolerant of changes in light source type,illuminance, and speed.18Panasonic Holdings Corporation announced that it hasdeveloped excellent color reproduction technology thatsuppresses color crosstalk by thinning the photoelectricconversion layer using the high light absorption rate ofthe Organic Photoconductive File (OPF) and by usingelectrical pixel separation technology.AbstractConventional Bayer array-type siliconimage sensors do not have sufficientcolor separation performance forgreen, red, and blue. Therefore, forexample, under light sources that havepeaks at specific wavelengths, such ascyan light and magenta light, it hasbeen difficult to accurately reproduce,recognize, and judge colors.BSI Si CMOS image sensor / OPF CMOS image sensor Figure 1. Comparison of pixel structure (cross-sectional image)BSI Si CMOS image sensor / OPF CMOS image sensor Figure 2. Comparison of spectral characteristicsFigure 3. Comparison of color chart imaging under variouslight sourcesT E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T S
Photoelectric conversion filmthinning technology with 10 timeshigher light absorptionElectrical pixel isolation technologythat discharges unnecessarycharges at pixel boundariesLight transmission suppressionstructure that suppresses thetransmission of light through thephotoelectric conversion partThis development is based on thefollowing technologies.1.2.3.which contributes to color crosstalk andresolution degradation. In conventionalsilicon image sensors, a light-shieldinglayer is provided at the boundarybetween pixels to prevent obliqueincident light. However, the lightreflected by the light-shielding layerbecomes stray light and penetrates intoadjacent pixels, and is diffracted to wraparound, resulting in insufficient light-shielding.Therefore, Panasonic has developed astructure that discharges the signalcharge caused by the incident light at thepixel boundaries and suppresses theintrusion of signal charge from theadjacent pixels by placing a newdischarge electrode at the pixelboundaries. As shown in Figure 6, byproviding a discharge electrode, thecharge generated at the pixelboundaries is discharged, allowing forimage quality deterioration to besuppressed.Therefore, incident light that cannot becompletely absorbed by the OPF isabsorbed or reflected by the electrode,and the reflected light is againabsorbed by the OPF. Furthermore,since the space between the pixelelectrode and the discharge electrodeis very small, it is difficult for light topass through the lower part of theOPF. As a result, OPF CMOS imagesensors are structurally very tolerantof color crosstalk.19Figure 4. Optical absorption coefficients of OPFand SiFigure 6. Signal charge in OPFT E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T SMain FeaturesDetails of the technologies1. Photoelectric conversion filmthinning technology with 10 timeshigher light absorptionThe light absorption coefficient of theOPF that was developed this time isabout 10 times higher than that ofsilicon (Figure 4). The distance requiredfor light absorption is shortened,allowing for the OPF to be designedthinner than silicon photodiodes, andin principle, it is possible to reduceoblique incident light from adjacentpixels, which is a factor in colorcrosstalk (Figure 5).BSI Si CMOS image sensor / OPF CMOS image sensorFigure 5. Comparison of the effects of obliqueincident light2. Electrical pixel isolationtechnology that dischargesunnecessary charges at pixelboundariesThe charges generated at the pixelboundaries include signal chargesoriginating from adjacent pixels due tooblique incident light,3. Light transmission suppressionstructure that suppresses thetransmission of light through thephotoelectric conversion partLight incident on the photoelectricconverter (photodiode in silicon imagesensors, OPF in OPF CMOS imagesensors) is photoelectrically convertedinto signal charges. However, part of thelight is not photoelectrically convertedand passes through, contributing to colorcrosstalk. Red light, which has a longerwavelength and lower energy comparedto another light, is easier to penetrateand has greater crosstalk. As shown inFigure 7, a silicon image sensor transmitsapproximately 20% of light with awavelength of 600 nm, while an OPFCMOS image sensor transmits only 1% oflight with the same wavelength. Thebottom of the OPF is covered with a pixelelectrode for collecting signal charges andan electrode for discharging charges. BSI Si CMOS image sensor / OPF CMOS image sensorFigure 7. Light intensity simulation at pixel cross sectionIn the future, we will propose these OPFCMOS image sensor technologies forvarious applications such as commercialbroadcasting cameras, surveillancecameras, industrial inspection cameras,and automotive cameras. We will alsocontribute to highly robust imagingsystems that are highly tolerant ofchanges in light source type, illuminance,and speed (Figure 8).Figure 8. Application example of OPF CMOS imagesensorPanasonic will present some of thesetechnologies at the internationalacademic conference Image SensorsEurope 2023, which will be held inLondon, UK from March 15 to 16, 2023. Technical Terms
Bicycle and electric bicycle (e-bike) usage rates incities like Copenhagen, Amsterdam and Antwerpas a form of urban mobility are among thehighest in the world. In Copenhagen, bikesoutnumber cars by more than five to one. Everyday, the thousands of people traveling on twowheels help reduce congestion and pollutionissues as cities become more heavily populated. Research by consulting firm Deloitte confirms therise of e-bikes as a faster, easier and healthieroption for commuting, and growing sales figuresindicate that more people are embracing themthan ever before. According to the Confederationof the European Bicycle Industry, e-bikes are nowby far the most sold electric vehicle on theEuropean market. So while for now, in most partsof the world, cars still prevail as the preferredmode of transport, I-FEVS co-founder andpresident Pietro Perlo recognizes the huge shiftunderway as cities prioritize investments incycling infrastructure and consumers switch theircars for greener alternatives. Perlo recognizes safety as a critical factor holding people back from fullyembracing bikes and e-bikes. An online study by YouGov found thatalmost half (43%) of people across all age groups and genders living incities said that a safer option would encourage them to cycle more. Withthis in mind, electric vehicle research and development company I-FEVSset out to create a new type of e-bike with safety top of mind.I-FEVST E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T SI-FEVS (Interactive Fully ElectricalVehicles) is on a mission to makeelectric mobility accessible andmainstream. To design its e-bike,the Italian electric vehicle specialistuses the 3DEXPERIENCE Cloudplatform to streamline design andengineering processes.20Safer and smaller e-bikes for all“We started the company focusing onelectromobility, convinced it would becomemainstream in the near future. We address urbanmobility and are strongly motivated to develop best-in-class cars and bikes with a focus on safety,ergonomics, efficiency, interactivity, sustainabilityand affordability.” - PerloAt first glance, the I-FEVS e-bike looks different to other models on themarket. For one, it has three wheels – one at the front and two at therear, set 20 centimeters apart. This unique, patented design helps tomake the e-bike more stable, easier to turn and reduces the risk ofriders becoming unbalanced in wet and icy conditions.“The two independent rear-wheels have a novel suspension system toensure a comfortable ride,” Perlo said. “We designed our bike to be assafe as possible while delivering the performance of a cargo bike. It’s foreveryone to enjoy and feel confident riding – young and old.”Modular by design, I-FEVS’ e-bike serves multiple uses, includingcommuting, urban delivery and day-to-day family travel. Solar panelsencase the e-bike’s high strength nanostructured steel square-tubedframe, charging the onboard electric motor as it drives. “The high efficiency thin film photovoltaics perform active balancing ofthe battery pack,” Perlo added. “It’s another feature we’ve patented.We’re also implementing a level of interactivity that is not available todayby putting onboard a network of machine learning boards thattransform the bike into an intelligent device.”Currently at the pre-series funding stage, I-FEVS designed and developedthe entire bike on the 3DEXPERIENCE Cloud platform. The company’sautomotive industry roots means the team used CATIA V5 for otherprojects and decided to transition to the 3DEXPERIENCE platform. Theiraim: bring all disciplines within a single environment and manage theentire product development lifecycle with one solution.
The race for better electric carbatteries is being called the next goldrush. Here’s what’s coming.There are many new technologiescoming that may make it easier toown and run a zero-emission vehicle.The woes of “range anxiety” and“long charging times” will soon be athing of the past with battery packsoffering over 500 miles of rangebetween charges that only take a fewseconds, and power available to youover the air.We are at the threshold of a batteryrevolution. EV makers know that inorder to get an EV in every garage,Americans demand more range andquicker charging. They are wellaware of the limitations of thecurrent lithium-ion batteries thatpower today’s EVs. While computerchips and operating systemscontinue to advance in saving power,battery packs have been the weeklink… until now.Let’s take a look at research that maylead to an exciting new world ofbattery technology for tomorrow’selectric cars.THE FUTURE OF EV BATTERIEST E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T SImagine electric car batteries that could take you 500miles on a charge. How about 1,100 miles on acharge! Incredible new technology is coming soon,from batteries as structural components to batteriesextracted from seawater. All this and more is beresearched as we speak.22Welcome to the Future of EVBatteriesThe University of Texas is working on a lithium-ionbattery that doesn’t use cobalt as a cathode.Instead, it uses up to 89 percent nickel as well asaluminum and manganese. The motivation is thatcobalt is rare, expensive, and harmful to source.The team at U of T say their batteries produce amore elegant distribution of ions as well.A Chinese company called SVOLT is manufacturingcobalt-free batteries for the EV market. They claimto have a higher energy density, resulting in avehicle range of up to an estimated 500 miles on asingle charge.Batteries as StructuralComponentsResearch at Chalmers Universityof Technology has been focusingon using new battery tech as astructural component of futureelectric cars. This could lead tolighter vehicles in which bodyparts are the batteries. Usingcarbon fiber as the negativeelectrode while the positive is alithium iron phosphate, thesebatteries would be extremely stiffand rigid for structuralcomponents.Carbon NanotubeElectrodesNAWA Technologies has designedand patented an Ultra FastCarbon Electrode that couldchange batteries as we knowthem. This utilizes a vertically-aligned carbon nanotube that canboost battery power ten timesover current battery packs. It canalso increase energy storage by afactor of three and increase thelifecycle of a battery five timesover. NAWA says that chargingtime will be just five minutes toget to an 80 percent charge. Thistechnology could be inproduction as soon as 2023.Cobalt-Free BatteriesLooking for a cure to unstable silicon in lithium-ionbatteries, researchers at the University of EasternFinland have developed a method to produce ahybrid anode that uses mesoporous siliconmicroparticles and carbon nanotubes. They hopeto replace graphite as the anode and replace itwith silicon, which has ten times the capacity. Thegoal is that this will improve battery performance.Best of all, the sourcing of this silicone is earthfriendly as it is made from barley husk ash.Silicon Anode BatteriesIBM Research has discovered a new batterychemistry that is free of heavy metals and can out-perform lithium-ion batteries. The materials areextracted from seawater. IBM says these batterieswill be cheaper to make, can charge faster, andpack in higher energy density and power. Thecompany is currently working with Mercedes-Benzto develop the technology.A Battery Extracted from SeawaterResearchers at the University of CaliforniaRiverside are working on battery technology thatuses sand in order to create pure silicon to achievethree times better performance than currentgraphite-based lithium-ion batteries. This newpure silicon also advances the lifespan of batteries.A battery startup company called Silnano isbringing this technology to the market throughfunding by Daimler and BMW promising a 40percent boost in battery performance in the nearfuture.Sand Batteries Offer More LifePowered by Wi-FiImagine powering your car over Wi-Fi while youdrive. You’d never have to recharge your battery byplugging in. While this technology is still a way off,researchers have developed a radio waveharvesting antenna that is only several atomsthick, that may be used to recharge future EVs overelectromagnetic waves.
Another way to possibly transmit rechargeablepower over the air is through ultrasound. Acompany called uBeam turns power into soundwaves that can be beamed to your EV and thenturned back into power. Right now, uBeam isexperimenting with using this technology to powersmartphones and laptops, but who knows wherethis might lead?T E C H N O L O G Y & P R O D U C T S23Over the Air Ultrasound ChargingThe concept involves incorporating themolybdenum disulphide rectenna so that AC powercan be downloaded from Wi-Fi and converted to DCpower to recharge a battery or to power an EVdirectly. Let’s just hope it doesn’t fry your brain atthe same time.Charge Your Car in 5 MinutesSpeaking of smartphone charging, a start-upcompany called StoreDot that was born from thenanotech department of Tel Aviv University, hasdeveloped a charger that uses biologicalsemiconductors. These use organic peptidecompounds which are the building blocks ofproteins. The result is a charger that can rechargeyour smartphone in just 60 seconds, and theorganic compounds are non-flammable for safercharging. StoreDot is currently building batteriesfor EVs that will charge in five minutes and offer anestimated range of 300 miles.Batteries that Never DieScientists at the University of California are workingon nanowire batteries that will never die. The goldnanowires are a thousand times thinner than ahuman hair and sit in a gel of electrolyte to keepthem from breaking down during recharging. Theyhave been tested recharging over 200,000 timesover three months and showed no sign ofdegradation.Solid-State BatteriesTraditionally, solid-state batteries offer stability butat the cost of electrolyte transmissions. However,scientists at Toyota are testing a solid-state batterythat uses sulfide superionic conductors for a betterbattery that can operate at super capacitor levels tocharge in just seven minutes. Plus, being solid-statemakes it safer than current battery options.Solid Power Inc. is producing solid-state batteriesfor EVs using sulfide-based all-solid-state cells.Meanwhile, QuantumScape is developing solid-state batteries for Volkswagen. The hope is thatthese game changing batteries will be used inelectric vehicles by 2026.Zinc-Air BatteriesResearchers at Sydney University havefound a way to make zinc-air batteriesfor much less than the costs ofcurrent methods. Zinc-air batteriesare superior to lithium-ion batteries asthey cannot catch on fire. Theproblem has been that Zinc-airbatteries are made from veryexpensive components, but theUniversity has found a way to usemuch cheaper alternatives. So,cheaper and safer batteries may soonbe on the way.Twenty Times Faster ChargingRyden dual carbon technology allowsbatteries to last longer and chargefaster than lithium but can be madeusing the same factories wherelithium batteries are produced. PowerJapan Plus says the batteries are moresustainable, last longer, areenvironmentally friendly and cancharge 20 times faster thanconventional batteries.Imagine 500 Miles ona ChargeA company calledGraphenano is developing aGraphene battery that itsays will offer an estimatedrange of 500 miles and canbe recharged in just a fewminutes. The company saysits batteries will charge anddeplete 33 times faster thanlithium-ion batteries.Imagine 1,100 Mileson a Charge!An experimental carrecently drove 1,100 mileson a single battery charge.This was possible thanks toaluminum-air batterytechnology that uses oxygenfrom the air to fill itscathode - making it muchlighter than liquid-filledlithium ion batteries - togive the EV greater range.
Set to go on sale later this year, the Terra Homeushers in the next generation of consumer choicefor residential EV charging. The innovative designwill enable users to make the best possible use oftheir renewable energy sources to further reducetheir carbon footprint.It is predicted that by 2040, between 340 and 490million chargers are needed globally, and that thisfigure will be dominated by home chargers,representing 82% of all EV charging installations.To mark the announcement of ABB E-mobility’snew home charging solution, a surveycommissioned by the market leader, questioneddrivers globally on their top priorities for 2023and beyond. It found that sustainability ranksamong their most important motivations. 90% ofthose surveyed said they felt a personalresponsibility to make choices to help protect theplanet for future generations.This was reflected in the 86% of respondents who confirmed that they willbe taking action to reduce their travel emissions for the year ahead.Making the switch to an electric car ranked as one of the top eco-friendlychanges being considered, alongside reducing private vehicle usage, andopting to increase the use of public transport.Speaking on the news, Leon van de Pas, SVP for the Destination chargingbusiness line at ABB E-mobility, said: “As we mark the start of yet anotherpivotal year in our drive to enable a low-carbon society, the survey resultsdemonstrate that drivers are ready and willing to make the journeyalongside us.NEW ABB E-MOBILITYHOME CHARGINGSOLUTION HELPSDRIVERS REALIZETHEIR SUSTAINABLEMOBILITY GOALSP R O D U C T C O M M U N I Q U EABB E-mobility has today unveiled itsnew Terra Home charging solution atCES 2023, the world’s most influentialtech event in Las Vegas.“Offeringunprecedented userchoice, the newTerra Home providesthe flexibility for aneven greater numberof people to simplyand stylishlyembrace thetransition to electricmobility.”With the ability to automatically prioritizeelectricity from renewable domestic sources,such as solar, ABB E-mobility’s new Terra Homecharging solution will particularly appeal tomore than half of respondents (54%) whoreported that they would be more likely to usean EV if they could ensure the electricitypowering it had been generated renewably.Not only does the Terra Home set a newbenchmark for sustainable charging choice,24
P R O D U C T C O M M U N I Q U Ebut in style and simplicity too. TheTerra Home’s minimalistic design,choice of materials and options forpersonalized covers means it will fitseamlessly into a wide range ofhomes and lifestyles. Meanwhile, intelligent features suchas Plug N Charge enable instant andautomatic recognition between carand charger, making chargingauthorization completely seamless. In addition, interactive lighting features indicate the state of the charging session, whilenotifications on charging status are easily accessible on the ABB E-mobility chargerapp3, which can also be used to authenticate a charge, ensuring that the owner alonecan connect to their Terra Home.Peace of mind is further enhanced by the cloud connection between the Terra Homeand ABB E-mobility, enabling an experienced team to remotely service the chargerquickly and efficiently, while remote firmware updates will ensure a futureproofexperience, with users always benefitting from the latest charging features.ABB E-mobility’s Terra Home can be viewed for the first time at CES in Las Vegas from 5-8 January 2023, on booth 10443 in the Vehicle Tech & Advanced Mobility Hall.25
D-Wave’s new hybrid solver plug-in for theOcean™ SDK enables developers to more easilyincorporate quantum into feature selection/MLworkflows. Built to integrate seamlessly withscikit-learn, an industry-standard, state-of-the-art ML library for Python, the new hybrid solverplug-in is available today for developers todownload and use in ML projects.The launch comes at a time when companiesare rapidly turning to technologies like AI andML to navigate increasing complexity in theenterprise. According to IDC, 78% oforganizations believe that AI-driven projectshave significant or very significant impact onbusiness outcomes.“Emerging AI/ML technology for featurediscovery and reuse can facilitate faster time-to-business value, synthesizing informationacross the enterprise,” said Kathy Lange,Research Director for IDC's AI and Automation.The new Ocean plug-in makes it easier to use D-Wave’s hybrid solvers forthe feature selection piece of ML workflows. Feature selection – a keybuilding block of machine learning – is the problem of determining a smallset of the most representative characteristics to improve model trainingand performance in ML. With the new plug-in, ML developers need not beexperts in optimization or hybrid solving to get the business and technicalbenefits of both. Developers creating feature selection applications canbuild a pipeline with scikit-learn and then embed D-Wave’s hybrid solversinto this workflow more easily and efficiently. D-WAVE LAUNCHESNEW HYBRID SOLVERPLUG-IN FOR FEATURESELECTION, A KEYCOMPONENT OFMACHINE LEARNINGP R O D U C T C O M M U N I Q U ED-Wave Quantum Inc. a leader inquantum computing systems,software, and services and theworld’s first commercial supplierof quantum computers, todayintroduced a new hybrid solverplug-in for feature selection aspart of its focus on helpingcompanies leverage quantumtechnology to streamlinedevelopment of machine learning(ML) applications.By abstracting away the optimization formulations, the new plug-in helpsdevelopers to easily incorporate feature selection tools with less requireddevelopment time or ramp up and faster time-to-value. Regardless of theirfamiliarity with quantum technology, developers can get started today bysigning up for the Leap™ quantum cloud service for free, installing theplug-in and viewing the demo and examples. Those seeking a morecollaborative approach and assistance with building a productionapplication can reach out to D-Wave directly and also explore the featureselection offering in AWS Marketplace.26“We're hearing from customers that the combination ofquantum hybrid solutions with feature selection in AI/MLmodel training is important for accelerating businessimpact. This plug-in represents yet another example ofhow D-Wave is facilitating quantum ML workstreams andmaking it easy to incorporate optimization in featureselection efforts.” - said Murray Thom, vice president ofquantum business innovation at D-Wave.
Fully electrified, their road sweepers, vans, and snowplowvehicles will operate with zero local CO2 emissions, leading toimproved air quality in urban areas. “Schaeffler is reinventingthe drive systems used in small, lightweight electric utilityvehicles in our inner cities,” said Matthias Zink, Schaeffler’s CEOAutomotive Technologies. The defining feature of the new wheelhub motors is that all the components needed for propulsionand braking are integrated directly into the wheel rim, ratherthan being positioned centrally or mounted on the drive axles.This architecture saves space and makes the vehicles muchmore agile and maneuverable in city traffic. Utility vehiclespowered by these low-noise, fully electric motors are very quietto operate, resulting in reduced sound pollution in pedestrianareas and on city streets. They can also be operated forextended hours in residential areas because the disturbance toresidents is so much less.One of the first companies to be launching a multifunctionvehicle comprising Schaeffler wheel hub motor technology ontothe market this year is Jungo. Jungo and Schaeffler have beenpartnering to tailor the drive technology to the specific everydayrequirements of commercial street sweeping.WORLD PREMIERE: SCHAEFFLER ELECTRIFIES MUNICIPALUTILITY VEHICLES WITH IN-WHEEL ELECTRIC DRIVESP R O D U C T C O M M U N I Q U EWith electrification, good things come in threes, itseems. No less than three manufacturers ofcompact municipal vehicles are gearing up toincorporate high-efficiency electric wheel hubmotors made by Schaeffler into their productionlines in the coming months. Schaeffler’s wheel hub motors have a broad range of inner-city mobile machinery applications, including streetsweeping, snow clearing, and waste collection. “In thisvehicle segment, as in others, the question is: what’s thefastest and most efficient way to reduce CO2 emissions?And the answer to that question is electrification,” said Dr.Jochen Schröder, head of E-Mobility at Schaeffler. This new drive technology opens up a new and steadilygrowing market for Schaeffler. The company aims to see itswheel hub motors used in more and more utility andservice vehicles in towns and cities, on factory campuses,and at logistics centers, ports, airports, and large parkingfacilities. These types of vehicles tend to be operated on setroutes, so they are a good fit for the fixed ranges andpredictable charging times of electric drives. Another keybenefit for vehicle operators is that the wheel hub motorshave long-life, low-maintenance wheel bearings andgearboxes.Schaeffler’s fully electric wheel hub motors have a uniquearchitecture in which the electric motor (stator and rotor),gearbox, and mechanical friction brake are arrangedaround the wheel bearing inside the rim. This compactdesign envelope frees up space elsewhere in the vehicle –for the battery or cargo stowage, for example. It also givesvehicle manufacturers greater design freedom, allowingthem to develop a wide range of mobility formats, includingrolling chassis solutions.27“The electric in-wheel motors and brakingtechnology eliminates the need for oil changesand greatly enhances our vehicles’ performancein terms of efficiency, power-to-weight ratio,safety, handling, and braking reliability,” saidJungo founder and CEO Nicolas Jungo.Efficient solution for a wide range of inner-cityand mobility scenario“Our highly integrated electric wheel hubmotors also improve vehicle maneuverability,which is a key prerequisite for automateddriving,” said Jochen Schröder.
Further InformationAmid an increasing number ofprojects being planned toexpand the introduction ofrenewable energy, such assolar power and wind power,to achieve carbon neutrality by2050, it is an urgent issue tosecure balancing supply anddemand. Storage batteriesconnected to the power grid,namely grid storage batteries,absorb (store) electricity whenthere is a surplus of renewableelectricity, and dischargeelectricity when the supply-demand balance is tight,thereby contributing to thestabilization of the supply-demand balance in the powergrid. The wheel hub motor, including the gearbox, isvery compact, fitting inside a 14-inch rim. Theinverter, on the other hand, is not integrated,and can be accommodated anywhere in thevehicle. A single inverter controls one or twowheel hub motors, depending on the usescenario. The motor’s power output is scalable,depending on the application, ranging from 7kW to 26 kW (nominal) and peaking at 60 kW forshort bursts. The torque generated by theelectric motor is transmitted via the gearboxdirectly to the wheel. This direct transmissionreduces energy loss, making the drive highlyefficient. Another key benefit is that torque anddirection of rotation are controlled individuallyfor each wheel, resulting in an all-wheel drivevehicle that can handle hills with consummateease, even in winter road conditions. Schaefflercurrently develops wheel hub motors for 48 Vand 400 V applications and is exploring thepossibility of higher voltages.P R O D U C T C O M M U N I Q U E29In-wheel motor saves space andimproves driving dynamicsSUMITOMO ELECTRICLAUNCHES ENERGYMANAGEMENTSOLUTION (SEMSA™)THAT SUPPORTSMULTIPLE USES FORGRID STORAGEBATTERIESSumitomo Electric Industries,Ltd. has launched an energymanagement solution thatenables multiple uses for gridstorage batteries usingSEMSA™*¹ technology.In addition, they can be applied tomultiple uses, such as the provision ofbalancing capacity and supply capacityin various kinds of power tradingmarkets,*² which is attracting attentionas a new business model thatgenerates multiple revenues.The energy management systems withSumitomo Electric’s uniquearchitecture (sEMSA™) have realizedvarious solutions for the optimalcontrol of distributed power sources,such as virtual power plants (VPPs),*³which require linkage with powertrading markets (such as balancingmarkets and capacity markets), andregional decarbonization solutionsusing renewable energy and storagebatteries.The new system consists of a sEMSA™ server created on the cloud andsEMSA™ terminals installed at grid storage battery sites, with a singlesEMSA™ server being able to perform the group control of multiple gridstorage batteries. The sEMSA™ server acquires information on eachpower trading market and creates battery charging/discharging plans thatmaximize the operator’s profit, thereby enabling multiple uses for gridstorage batteries. On the other hand, the sEMSA™ terminals installed atgrid storage battery sites optimally control the storage batteries based oncharging/discharging plan commands from the sEMSA™ server.*⁴Sumitomo Electric will continue to develop its technologies for powertransmission and distribution, power storage, and information andcommunication, and work on the development of products that meet theneeds of both electric power companies and consumers in order torealize “Living in Safety and Comfort on Our Green Planet” through thefurther spread and efficient use of renewable energy.
“2023 is the moment of truth to drive fullelectrification forward,” said Pedro Pacheco, VPAnalyst at Gartner. “The spike in electricity pricesin Europe make BEV running costs less attractive,some countries, like the U.K., Switzerland andAustralia, are starting to introduce EV taxation. Inaddition, China ended electric vehicle subsidies atthe beginning of 2023 and global charginginfrastructure still has many coverage gaps andthe average quality of service is poor.”In addition, the sharp increase in raw materialprices like lithium and nickel will inherently driveBEV costs higher, which will make it harder fororiginal equipment manufacturers (OEMs) toclose the price gap with internal combustion. As aresult, BEV sales may grow at a considerablylower pace or stall in some markets, makinginvestments related to BEVs take longer toachieve break even.Gartner expects supply chain shortages in theautomotive industry to continue through 2023.“More than two years after the pandemic began,carmakers still cannot forecast an end toshortages of semiconductor chips or thesubsequent shortage of vehicles they canproduce. They also face short supply of keymaterials for BEV batteries, causing the prices ofcommodities to surge,” said Mike Ramsey, VPAnalyst at Gartner.“The digital transformation of automotive retailhas not stalled, simply reduced speed,” saidPacheco. “As the challenging economicenvironment is slowly moving the automotivemarket from supply-constraint to demand-constrained, automakers and retailers willrefocus on the transition to online retail sales.They will also do so to reduce sales costs.”This downturn period provides an opportunity for automotive CIOs tohelp their companies grow their market share through technology. Forinstance, several established automakers are trying to transform intotechnology companies, but their corporate culture has been a majorobstacle to their ambitions. “This must be their starting point to avoidwidening the gap with digital native automakers and grow their revenuevia the use of technology even further,” said Pacheco.Beyond 2023GARTNER SAYS 2023IS THE MOMENT OFTRUTH FOR BATTERY-ELECTRIC VEHICLESF E A T U R E S T O R YSeveral factors will make 2023 a truetest to the resolve of governmentsand the automotive industry in drivingbattery-electric vehicles (BEVs)forward, according to Gartner, Inc.Gartner predicts that by2026, more than 50% of EVssold globally will be Chinese-branded automobiles. “Thereare more than 15 Chinesecompanies selling EVs andmany of these are smallerand much less expensivemodels than those sold byforeign rivals,” said Ramsey.“While foreign automakerslike Tesla, VW and GM areselling a lot of EVs in China,the growth is much fasterwith Chinese companies.”As demand grows around theworld for EVs, Chinese firmsare well-situated to takeadvantage of the growth withgood access to key mineralsand battery manufacturingcapacity in China. Gartnerrecommends that automotiveCIOs focused on EVs,integrate supply chainplanning and visibilitysoftware to ensure betterbusiness decisions aboutwhere key materials aresourced and ensureresiliency for key materials.Gartner analysts estimate that by 2025,tech giants will own a part of theoperating system for 95% of new carson the road.Tech giants have begun to displaceestablished automotive Tier 1 suppliersas in-vehicle software providers (e.g.,Google Automotive Services andCarPlay), and are also using theirecosystems to claim a larger share ofthe vehicle operating system territory(e.g., Renault’s partnership with Googleand VW’s partnership with Microsoft).Furthermore, several tech giants aredirectly involved in the development,manufacturing and sale of cars.Foxconn, Huawei, Alibaba, Xiaomi,Tencent and Sony are all examples ofthis trend. “Succeeding alone won’t be possible fora traditional OEM or supplier,” saidPacheco. “Each of them must forgepartnerships with at least some digitalgiants if they want to remain profitableand competitive in the industry.”Gartner clients can read more in “TopAutomotive Trends for 2023” and“Predicts 2023: Automotive and SmartMobility.”31
Every year the world runs more and more onbatteries. Electric vehicles passed 10% ofglobal vehicle sales in 2022, and they’re ontrack to reach 30% by the end of this decade. Policies around the world are only going toaccelerate this growth: recent climatelegislation in the US is pumping billions intobattery manufacturing and incentives for EVpurchases. The European Union, and severalstates in the US, passed bans on gas-poweredvehicles starting in 2035. The transition will require lots of batteries—and better and cheaper ones. Most EVs today are powered by lithium-ionbatteries, a decades-old technology that’salso used in laptops and cell phones. Allthose years of development have helpedpush prices down and improve performance,so today’s EVs are approaching the price ofgas-powered cars and can go for hundreds ofmiles between charges. Lithium-ion batteriesare also finding new applications, includingelectricity storage on the grid that can helpbalance out intermittent renewable powersources like wind and solar. But there is still lots of room forimprovement. Academic labs and companiesalike are hunting for ways to improve thetechnology—boosting capacity, speedingcharging time, and cutting costs. The goal iseven cheaper batteries that will providecheap storage for the grid and allow EVs totravel far greater distances on a charge.At the same time, concerns about supplies ofkey battery materials like cobalt and lithiumare pushing a search for alternatives to thestandard lithium-ion chemistry. In the midst of the soaring demand for EVsand renewable power and an explosion inbattery development, one thing is certain:batteries will play a key role in the transitionto renewable energy. Here’s what to expect in2023.A radical rethinkWHAT’S NEXT FORBATTERIESF E A T U R E S T O R YExpect new battery chemistriesfor electric vehicles and amanufacturing boost thanks togovernment funding this year.Some dramatically differentapproaches to EV batteriescould see progress in 2023,though they will likely takelonger to make a commercialimpact.One advance to keep an eye onthis year is in so-called solid-state batteries. Lithium-ionbatteries and relatedchemistries use a liquidelectrolyte that shuttles chargearound; solid-state batteriesreplace this liquid with ceramicsor other solid materials. This swap unlocks possibilitiesthat pack more energy into asmaller space, potentiallyimproving the range of electricvehicles. Solid-state batteriescould also move charge aroundfaster, meaning shortercharging times. And becausesome solvents used inelectrolytes can be flammable,proponents of solid-statebatteries say they improvesafety by cutting fire risk. Solid-state batteries can use awide range of chemistries, but aleading candidate forcommercialization uses lithiummetal. Quantumscape, for one,is focused on that technologyand raised hundreds of millionsin funding before going publicin 2020. The company has adeal with Volkswagen thatcould put its batteries in cars by2025. But completely reinventing batteries hasproved difficult, and lithium-metalbatteries have seen concerns aboutdegradation over time, as well asmanufacturing challenges. Quantumscapeannounced in late December it haddelivered samples to automotive partnersfor testing, a significant milestone on theroad to getting solid-state batteries intocars. Other solid-state-battery players, likeSolid Power, are also working to build andtest their batteries. But while they couldreach major milestones this year as well,their batteries won’t make it into vehicleson the road in 2023. Solid-state batteries aren’t the only newtechnology to watch out for. Sodium-ionbatteries also swerve sharply fromlithium-ion chemistries common today.These batteries have a design similar tothat of lithium-ion batteries, including aliquid electrolyte, but instead of relying onlithium, they use sodium as the mainchemical ingredient. Chinese battery giantCATL reportedly plans to begin mass-producing them in 2023. 32
Today, the market for batteries aimed atstationary grid storage is small—about one-tenth the size of the market for EV batteries,according to Yayoi Sekine, head of energystorage at energy research firmBloombergNEF. But demand for electricitystorage is growing as more renewable poweris installed, since major renewable powersources like wind and solar are variable, andbatteries can help store energy for when it’sneeded. Lithium-ion batteries aren’t ideal forstationary storage, even though they’recommonly used for it today. While batteriesfor EVs are getting smaller, lighter, and faster,the primary goal for stationary storage is tocut costs. Size and weight don’t matter asmuch for grid storage, which means differentchemistries will likely win out. One rising star in stationary storage is iron,and two players could see progress in thecoming year. Form Energy is developing aniron-air battery that uses a water-basedelectrolyte and basically stores energy usingreversible rusting. The company recentlyannounced a $760 million manufacturingfacility in Weirton, West Virginia, scheduled tobegin construction in 2023. Anothercompany, ESS, is building a different type ofiron battery that employs similar chemistry; ithas begun manufacturing at its headquartersin Wilsonville, Oregon.F E A T U R E S T O R YCathodes are typically one ofthe most expensive parts of abattery, and a type of cathodecalled NMC (nickelmanganese cobalt) is thedominant variety in EVbatteries today. But thosethree elements, in addition tolithium, are expensive, socutting some or all of themcould help decrease costs. This year could be a breakoutyear for one alternative:lithium iron phosphate (LFP),a low-cost cathode materialsometimes used for lithium-ion batteries. Recent improvements in LFPchemistry and manufacturinghave helped boost theperformance of thesebatteries, and companies aremoving to adopt thetechnology: LFP market shareis growing quickly, from about10% of the global EV marketin 2018 to about 40% in 2022.Tesla is already using LFPbatteries in some vehicles,and automakers like Ford andVolkswagen announced thatthey plan to start offeringsome EV models with thechemistry too.Though battery researchtends to focus on cathodechemistries, anodes are alsoin line to get a makeover.Most anodes in lithium-ionbatteries today, whatevertheir cathode makeup, usegraphite to hold the lithiumions. But alternatives likesilicon could help increaseenergy density and speed upcharging.Silicon anodes have been thesubject of research for years,but historically they haven’thad a long enough lifetime tolast in products. Now though,companies are starting toexpand production of thematerials.In 2021, startup Sila began producing siliconanodes for batteries in a wearable fitnessdevice. The company was recently awardeda $100 million grant from the Department ofEnergy to help build a manufacturing facilityin Moses Lake, Washington. The factory willserve Sila’s partnership with Mercedes-Benzand is expected to produce materials for EVbatteries starting in 2025.Other startups are working to blend siliconand graphite together for anodes. OneDBattery Sciences, which has partnered withGM, and Sionic Energy could take additionalsteps toward commercialization this year. 33Shifts within the standardLithium-ion batteries keep getting better andcheaper, but researchers are tweaking thetechnology further to eke out greaterperformance and lower costs.Some of the motivation comes from the pricevolatility of battery materials, which coulddrive companies to change chemistries. “It’s acost game,” Sekine says.Policies shaping productsThe IRA will provide loans and grants tobattery makers in the US, boosting capacity.In addition, EV tax credits in the lawincentivize automakers to source batterymaterials in the US or from its free-tradepartners and manufacture batteries inNorth America. Because of both the IRA’sfunding and the EV tax credit restrictions,automakers will continue announcing newmanufacturing capacity in the US andfinding new ways to source materials.All that means there will be more and moredemand for the key ingredients in lithium-ion batteries, including lithium, cobalt, andnickel. One possible outcome from the IRAincentives is an increase in already growinginterest around battery recycling. Whilethere won’t be enough EVs coming off theroad anytime soon to meet the demand forsome crucial materials, recycling is startingto heat up.CATL and other Chinese companies have ledin battery recycling, but the industry couldsee significant growth in other major EVmarkets like North America and Europe thisyear. Nevada-based Redwood Materials andLi-Cycle, which is headquartered in Toronto,are building facilities and working toseparate and purify key battery metals likelithium and nickel to be reused in batteries. Li-Cycle is set to begin commissioning itsmain recycling facility in 2023. RedwoodMaterials has started producing its firstproduct, a copper foil, from its facilityoutside Reno, Nevada, and recentlyannounced plans to build its second facilitybeginning this year in Charleston, SouthCarolina.
The annual Ocean Awareness Contest invitesyouth from around the world to explore—through visual art, writing, film, and music—howhumans’ actions impact the health of our oceans.Submissions become part of a growing collectionof student work that is helping to raise awarenessof the climate crisis, inspire protection for ouroceans, and imagine a better future.The 2022 Ocean Awareness Contest theme was:THE FUNNY THING ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE. Itchallenged students to learn about climatechange and its impact on the ocean, and toexplore new ways to communicate the urgency ofthe climate crisis.2023 Theme | Climate Heroes in ActionA CREATIVE CHALLENGE FOR TEENSWORLDWIDEThe 2023 Ocean Awareness Contest – ClimateHeroes in Action – encourages students to learnabout both climate change and solutions to theclimate crisis. We want to celebrate the work ofcountless everyday heroes fighting to make theworld more habitable and just in the face ofhuman-induced climate change. These heroes areleading with determination, resolve, and even joyto create a better world for us warming, the health of our oceans is tied to human health,whether we live on the coast or hundreds of miles inland.The media – whether a newspaper, broadcast, or TikTok – tends to focuson the negative. These stories get clicks and attract interest. Yes, climatechange is the greatest threat that our blue planet is facing right now, butit is easy to doomscroll through this bad news and miss optimisticstories. There are reasons to feel hope for the future. We live in a worldwith scary problems, but we also live in a world with real climatesolutions.Scientists, activists, artists, and educators are creating radical andinnovative solutions in response to these environmental threats. Theirwork is far-reaching and impactful but is often not covered in themainstream news. It’s easier to see a positive path forward when weunderstand the steps that people are already taking to get us there.Recognizing, uplifting, and celebrating their work allows us to imagine abetter world and inspires us to take action.Art as ActivismBOW SEAT 2023 OCEANAWARENESS CONTESTG R E A T O P P O R T U N I T YThe Ocean Awareness Contest is aplatform for young people to learnabout environmental issues throughart-making and creativecommunication, explore theirrelationship to a changing world, andbecome advocates for positivechange. Students ages 11-18 fromaround the world are invited toparticipate.A climate hero can take many forms.Whether they are developing newtechnologies, advocating forenvironmental justice, or raisingawareness through art, they are allfighting to alleviate and reverse theeffects of climate change. There is a largeand robust global community working tosolve climate problems and forge a pathtowards a more livable and sustainableworld.For the 2023 Contest, we encourage youto follow what interests you – science,activism, justice, art, education,technology, and more – and uplift atrailblazer in that field who is makingstrides to fight climate change. Werecommend that you look beyond the bignames and share the story of aneveryday hero in the climate movement.Look for initiatives in your communityand beyond – who is spearheadingthem? How can we amplify their work?Climate Heroes in ActionPromptResearch and choose aninspirational scientist,activist, artist, educator, orother hero who is workingto solve climate changeissues. Create a piece of art,writing, or media thathighlights their efforts,organizations, and/orpositive impacts. We arefamiliar with the amazingwork of environmentalgiants like Greta Thunbergand David Attenborough.We challenge you tointroduce the Bow Seatcommunity to a ClimateHero whose work we maynot know about yet – butshould.Details EventMoving Beyond the Bad NewsClimate change impacts our oceans in a multitudeof ways: extreme weather events, unprecedentedcoral bleaching, and rising sea levels, to name afew. As oceans play a critical role in regulating ourclimate and act as a buffer to protect us fromNot All Heroes Wear Capes35
an overall impact award (£20,000)3 thematic awards across the areas of economic, societal, andenvironmental impact. These awards will each be namedaccording to the main area of impact delivered, which may be 1 orseveral of the impact areas as appropriate. At least 1 of theseawards will recognise impact achieved through public engagementwith research (£12,000 each)an early career impact award (£12,000)4 runner-up awards across economic, societal, and environmentalimpact named according to the main area of impact delivered. Atleast 1 runner-up award will recognise impact achieved throughpublic engagement with research (£7,000 each)an early career impact runner-up award (£7,000)People are at the heart of the science we fund, and the competitionhas been designed to recognise and celebrate the wide range ofpeople and roles in the environmental science research communitywho contribute to impactful research.We will make the following awards:The judging panels will also be invited to select additional entries forspecial commendation.Awards and commendations will be presented at a high-profileceremony showcasing the shortlisted entries and demonstrating theimpact of NERC-funded research to champions of environmentalscience from business and industry, government and the academiccommunities.Applications for the 2023 Impact Awards must be submitted bymidday on 21 April 2023. The awards ceremony will be held in Londonon the evening of Wednesday 29 November 2023.The case study template for applicants is similar to the template forthe Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF) and Evaluation ofNERC Centres 2020 impact case studies.G R E A T O P P O R T U N I T YDesign & Graphic Design | Education |Environment | Geography & Outer Space |Media, Marketing & PR | Society | Arts, Video& PhotographyOpportunity is AboutEligibilityCandidates should be from:Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra,Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina,Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan,Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados,Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda,Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, andmore.Description of Ideal CandidateJunior Division: Age 11-14Senior Division: Age 15-18Who May EnterStudents ages 11-18 from around the world areinvited to participate in the Ocean AwarenessContest. Enter the division based on your age atthe time of entry:Students can participate as an individual or as aclub, class, or group of any size. All studentsmust provide the contact information for anAdult Sponsor (teacher, parent, mentor, etc.).Submissions are accepted in:Visual Art, Poetry & Spoken Word, CreativeWriting, Film, Performing Arts: Music & Dance,Interactive & Multimedia.DatesDeadline: June 13, 2023Cost/funding for participantsGain knowledge about climate change andits relationship to and impact on the ocean.Dive into Bow Seat’s Resource Studio to learnmore about the issues; find artists andorganizations taking action to protect ourblue planet; and discover ways that you canget involved.Grow your skills in communication, criticalthinking, creativity, and environmentaladvocacy. Use your artwork to raiseawareness for critical environmental issues.Many more benefitsFully FundedWhy participate?NERC IMPACT AWARDS 2023The Natural Environment Research Council(NERC) Impact Awards champion the impact ofresearch from the NERC-funded environmentalscience community on our everyday lives,including our society, economy and environment.36
Project must nothave startedconstruction beforeJanuary 1, 2022.Projects may be atthe followingstages: detaileddesign, completeddesign, underconstruction, andcompletedconstruction.Projects must beclient-supported –commissioned by aclient for thepurpose of real-world execution.Entries mustprovideinformation ondetailedsustainability datapoints.Open for entries: February 6Close of Registration: March 30 (14:00hrs UTC)Close of Competition: April 6 (14:00hrs UTC)Jury evaluation: May/July 2023Nominee verification: August/September 2023Winners announced: November 18, 2023HOLCIM AWARDS 2023G R E A T O P P O R T U N I T YClose of Registration: March 30(14:00hrs UTC) Close of Competition: April 6(14:00hrs UTC)How to EnterEnter online at www.holcimawards.orgEntry is free.Entry content includes a project summary,details on the project author/team, images,and information on the sustainability datapoints that are most relevant to the project.Submissions must be in English.No limit to the number of entries anindividual/team may submit.The internationally renowned Holcim Awards arenow open for entries. With a total prize pool ofUSD 1 million, the Holcim Foundation conductsthe global competition to shed light and rewardleading-edge thinking and real-world case studiesthat accelerate the global movement forsustainable construction.ScheduleAboutThe Holcim Awards competitionrecognizes and promotes projects thatcombine sustainable design andsustainable construction witharchitectural excellence.The global competition is conducted infive geographic regions: Asia Pacific,Europe, Latin America, Middle EastAfrica, and North America.Independent expert juries will evaluatesubmissions and nominate the winners.Entries are evaluated using theFoundation’s renewed goals forsustainable construction (Upliftingplaces, a Healthy planet, Viableeconomics, and Thriving communities).USD 1 million in total prize money (USD200,000 per region) will be sharedbetween winners of a Holcim AwardsGold, Silver, Bronze prize, andAcknowledgement prizes in each region.Winners from all regions will be invitedto the prize announcement to be held atthe Venice Biennale of Architecture 2023.EligibilityApply NowJURIESIndependent expert juries will evaluatesubmissions and nominate the winners in fivegeographic regions: Asia Pacific, Europe, LatinAmerica, Middle East Africa, and North America.Manit RastogiFounding Partner, Morphogenesis (India)Maria AtkinsonSustainability Business Advisor and FoundingCEO, Green Building Council of AustraliaBelinda TatoFounder, ecosistema urbanoJoda SilvaGlobal Director of Sustainable Development,Arup (United Kingdom)Many more37
39 22 MINUTES EILEEN YAP GENERAL MANAGER SINGAPORE OF RS GROUP Singapore is at the forefront of digitalisation and automation and this special Singapore edition of Industrial Guide Asia Edition is a testament to that With the help of robots Singapore has been able to reduce manpower costs while increasing productivity We are excited to explore the use of service robotics in Singapore and its potential implications on the industrial sector This interview with Eileen Yap as a General Manager Singapore of RS Group will provide us with an insight into how robots are helping businesses in Singapore become more efficient and cost effective We hope that this guide will help other companies across Asia understand how they can leverage robotics for their own benefit Singapore has made great strides in digitalisation and automation positioning itself as a leader in these areas This special Singapore edition of Industrial Guide Asia March Edition is a testament to this fact The publication showcases how the country has embraced technology to improve its manufacturing capabilities increase efficiency and reduce costs The manufacturing sector is one industry that has garnered significant attention when it comes to robotics With a focus on boosting productivity reducing costs and improving quality control measures robots have already made their way into many factories across the island Manufacturers are increasingly turning to automated systems as they look for ways to reduce reliance on human labor while remaining competitive in an ever changing global market Another industry that is highly suited for robotic solutions is healthcare With an aging population and rising healthcare costs there is a growing need for better efficiency and accuracy in medical care How have robots helped to improve efficiency and productivity in Singapore s industries What industries in Singapore are most in need of robotic solutions Manufacturing Logistics and Warehousing Healthcare Construction Agriculture Singapore has been rapidly expanding its use of robotics in various industries to improve efficiency productivity and competitiveness The demand for robotic solutions is increasing steadily in Singapore driven by the country s push towards digitalization and automation But what industries in Singapore are most in need of these technological advancements The implementation of robotics have led to better efficiency through the automation of tasks 24 7 operational improvement in precision and accuracy and improvements in worker safety This had led to Singapore being more competitive and helped us stay relevant in an increasingly competitive world Are there any specific types of robots that are particularly well suited for use in Singapore s industries Industrial robots Such robots can be used in Singapore s manufacturing industry to automate high volume labour intensive repetitive tasks where speed accuracy and durability are key These robots can also provide assistance in detailed tasks such as material handling material removal welding and fabrication to minimise human errors and improve worker safety
2 2 M I N U T E SRoboWaiter: Infinium Robotics, aSingapore-based startup, introducedrobotic waiters as part of a test programat Timbre Group's restaurant, Timbre @The Substation, in 2015. The Infinium-Serve robots, which deliver food andbeverages to clients' tables, were createdto free up staff time so they couldconcentrate on other activities. LionsBotInternational, a Singapore-basedbusiness, has created a fleet of cleaningrobots that can scrub and clean floors aswell as wash windows and walls. Robotics implementation may be expensiveup front, but there may also be significantlong-term cost reductions. Companies canminimise labour costs, cut errors, and boostproductivity by automating processes thatwould otherwise need human labour.Robots may also operate continuouslywithout the need for breaks or rest, whichboosts productivity and decreases thedemand for additional labour. This can beparticularly significant in Singapore, wherelabour expenses can be rather high.Can you provide examples ofsuccessful implementation ofrobots in Singapore?Barrier to entry (Hight cost), talentshortage, difficulty integrating with currentsystems (not all systems have the latesthardware & software), safety issues(Employees must be trained to workalongside robots), opposition to changedue to job loss. One of the main challenges thatcompanies encounter is the high cost ofpurchasing and maintaining robots. Forsmaller businesses with limited budgets,this can be particularly daunting.Additionally, training staff to operate andmaintain these machines can also be time-consuming and costly.Another major hurdle for companies isensuring that their employees feelcomfortable working alongside robots.Many people worry that automation willreplace human workers, leading to joblosses and decreased morale in theworkplace. It's important for companies tocommunicate clearly with their staff abouthow robots will be integrated intooperations, as well as any potentialchanges to job roles or responsibilities.What are the main challengesthat companies in Singaporeface when implementingrobots in their operations? How does the cost ofimplementing robots compareto the potential cost savings inSingapore? Our world-class internet connectivity, stronglogistics and transportation infrastructure,advanced manufacturing capabilities, robustinnovation ecosystem, and highly skilledworkforce are some of the factors thatsupport the use of robots.Are there any safety or securityconcerns related to the use ofrobots in Singapore?The use of robots in Singapore hasbeen on the rise over the past fewyears, as a result of advancementsin technology and increasingdemand for automation. Whilethere are numerous benefitsassociated with the use of robots,many people have raised concernsabout safety and security issuesthat may arise.One major concern is that robotsmay malfunction or be hacked,which could result in injury tohumans or damage to property.This is particularly concerning inindustries such as manufacturingand construction where heavymachinery is involved. Additionally,there are concerns about thepotential loss of jobs as more tasksbecome automated.However, despite these concerns,the Singapore government hastaken steps to ensure that safetymeasures are put in place tominimize risks associated withrobot use. For example, guidelineshave been developed for robotdesigners and manufacturers tofollow when designing andproducing robots.Robots can be vulnerable to cyberattacksand demand their own safety requirementsand specialised cybersecurity measures.Incidents of cyberattacks can lead tophysical outcomes such as robotdysfunction, which can be a threat to workersafety on factory floors. It is thereforeimportant to conduct regular safetyassessments to stay ahead of newvulnerabilities.Are there any specificchallenges facing theimplementation of robotsin Singapore?One challenge is handling fearsurrounding how robots aredisplacing humans at work. A studyby McKinsey & Company predictsthat one in every four workactivities in Singapore will bedisplaced by machines by 2030.Change management is thereforeespecially important in ensuringthe successful rollout of robots. Tohelp workers get comfortableworking alongside robots, thegovernment and businesses mustaddress their fears and reiteratethat robots will not entirely replacehumans at the work.How does Singapore'sinfrastructure and technologysupport the use of robots?40
Our robots canbe integratedwith existingsystems andinfrastructure inmany ways. Forexample, theycan be connectedto existingnetworkinfrastructure,such as LANs orcloud-basedsystems, toaccess data andservices.MR. ZEN KOH, CO-FOUNDER & GLOBAL CEOOF FOURIER INTELLIGENCE2 2 M I N U T E SMr. Zen Koh has almost 20 years ofhealthcare-related industryexperience. He is currently the co-founder, Deputy Group CEO, andBoard Member of the FourierIntelligence Group of 12 companies.Concurrently, he also carries the role of the CEOfor the Global Hub based in Singapore. FourierIntelligence is a technology-driven companyinfusing creativity into the development ofexoskeleton and rehabilitation robotics. Over thepast three years, Fourier Intelligence hassuccessfully raised multiple rounds ofinvestments amounting to more than RMB 350million. Zen Koh was formerly the ManagingDirector of Hocoma’s Asia Pacific Hub inSingapore. He is responsible for developing theAsia Pacific market since 2010. Prior to Hocoma,he was the Assistant Chief Executive of SingaporeNational Co-operative Federation, the apex bodyfor 74 Co-operatives in Singapore, supportingmore than 1.7 million members with total assetsof more than S$1.3 billion.Logistics is another industry that isbenefiting from robotic solutions. With therise of e-commerce and last-mile deliveryservices, businesses are looking toautomate their supply chains to ensuretimely deliveries while reducing operationalcosts. Robots can help by picking andpacking items in warehouses as well asdelivering goods to customers' doorsteps.Food and beverage businesses are alsoturning towards automation to streamlinetheir operations. The use of robots for foodpreparation has become widespreadglobally with Singapore being no exception.Robots can help speed up the processwhile ensuring consistency in taste andquality.What industries in Singapore aremost in need of robotic solutions?There is increasing demand for robotics inhealthcare and logistics, as well as retail and e-commerce, food and beverage, construction andbuilding services as well as education andtraining.Singapore, known for its highly developed andtechnologically advanced economy, is seeing anincreasing demand for robotics in variousindustries. In healthcare, the use of robots hasbecome increasingly popular to assist doctorsand nurses in providing patient care. Robots areused to perform surgeries, deliver medicationand perform repetitive tasks like taking vitals.How do your robots integrate with existing systemsand infrastructure in Singapore?In conclusion, variousindustries such ashealthcare, logistics, retail/e-commerce food & beverageamong others have realizedthat automating certaintasks through roboticscomes with a lot ofadvantages like increasedefficiency, reducedwastage/costs alongsideother benefits which make itnecessary for robotsolutions adoption withinthese sectors if they mustremain competitive amidstchanging technologicaltrends.They can also be configured to work with a range ofsoftware and hardware systems that use standardprotocols and interfaces. Each robot is custom-built tomeet specific integration requirements for yourorganization.41
2 2 M I N U T E SHere are some examples of successfulimplementations of our robots inSingapore: Healthcare assistance:National Healthcare Group (NHG)Singapore implemented our rehab robotsto assist with patient care, reducing theworkload on healthcare staff andimproving patient outcomes. Long Termcare optimization: SATA CommHealth inSingapore deployed robots to optimizetheir care operations, improvingefficiency.Great robot qualities are reliability, user-friendliness, adaptability and safety. Thereliability of the robot can be determined bythe consistency and accuracy of the robot inperforming its tasks with minimal downtime. Auser-friendly interface makes the robot moreaccessible to all people, especially those whodon't have much experience with robots.Adaptability is related to how well a robot isable to work in different situations andconditions such as changing environments.Can you provide case studiesor examples of successfulimplementations of yourrobots in Singapore?Robots can help improve the efficiencyand productivity of Singapore'sworkforce. Robots are able to automaterepetitive tasks, freeing up clinicians tofocus on more value-adding activities.They can operate with a high degree ofaccuracy and consistency, reducing errorsand improving output quality. They canperform tasks faster than humans inmany cases, increasing productivity. Thedeployment of robots can also provideinsights into operations and enableprocess optimization, leading to costreduction.How do your robots improveefficiency and productivity inSingapore's workforce?How does your companysupport and maintain yourrobots in Singapore?Remote monitoringRegular maintenanceMaintain spare parts and regularsoftware updatesWhat are the qualities of agreat robot? Do you feel that the learningcurve is a challenge for manyemployees?Yes and no, the learning curve can be achallenge for many employees when it comesto adopting new technologies. This can beattributed in part to the fact new technologiesrequire employees to learn new skills andprocesses, which can take time and effort.However, with proper training and support,employees can overcome the learning curveand become proficient in using newtechnologies, including robots.What are some of the mostpopular robots in use today?Industrial robots are used inmanufacturing industries toperform repetitive tasks suchas assembling and painting.Service robots are designed toassist humans in various wayslike cleaning floors, servingfood and drinks at restaurantsor hotels. Rehabilitation robotshelp patients recover fromphysical injuries or disabilitiesby assisting them with theirdaily activities. Collaborative orcobots work alongside humanson factory production lines toenhance efficiency whileensuring safety.What are thedeterring factors forbusinesses that mightbe thinking aboutinvesting in robots fortheir workforce?The deterring factors forbusinesses consideringinvesting in robots are: Cost,Complexity, Employeeresistance, Technicalchallenges, Maintenance andrepair, Lack of flexibility, andUncertainty of ROI. But everysituation is different, and acareful analysis of the benefitsand challenges is necessary todetermine if robots are a goodfit.Some of the most popular include industrialrobots, service robots, rehabilitation robots,collaborative or cobots, autonomous mobilerobots (AMRs), drones and home robots. Theuses for these robots are immense, fromfactory production lines to hospitals to homesand schools. These are some of the mostpopular robots in use today.What are thechallenges that youneed to overcome tosell robots inSingapore? The process of selling robotsin Singapore is a complex andchallenging process. The mainobstacles are the cost,regulation, employeeresistance and competition.Each business is different andwill face unique challenges,but careful analysis of thesebarriers will help shape thebest approach to bringingrobots into business.42